
Hi!! Thank you for visiting my new page and my first post in the big ol’ (somewhat scary) world of the interwebz!

My name is Carmel Iris and I’m a biotech graduate from Sydney, Australia.

I’m starting my own blog because I seem to have found myself with a lot to say, but no way to say it yet. With luck, I want to use this platform to go from being a (friendly)ghost to being something of an activist and a writer. I’m hoping to discuss and share ideas and issues about feminism and wom*nhood in the modern social climate, and obviously ruffle a few feathers on the way.

BUT I’m also a scientist, so getting geeky is definitely on the agenda too! Especially when it comes to medical health and the body…because we all know there is a lot of pseudo-science on the internet (Thank you Google search, yes my headache = cancer :/), as well as hotly debated topics even within the scientific field. Of course, I have my own stance on many of these, and can’t wait to share them with you!

Thank you for visiting my page, and please feel free to leave comments, tips and suggestions…I’m so excited to start blogging!

Carmel xx


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